The starbucks coffee machine

The Starbucks coffe machine was a university case study. Together with a group of students we developed a more sustainable coffee machine for changing legislation. The working principle allows for traditional coffee pods to be recycled at home instead of specialized facilites. (all the sketches and renders used were made by me alone)

The brief:

Design a new coffee system that complies with new legeslation for single use coffee pods. The waste product needs be recycleable at home.


Traditional Nespresso pods are very diffcult to recycle, but they are very popular because of their convinience. Making this product sustainable requires a sacrifice by the consumer. The design challenges is how to minimize the sacrifice. User interviews showed that convinence is the most important aspect of making a cup of coffee in the morning. With that in mind we decided to design a new system.

Concept development

Concept 1

A completetly automated system for brewing espresso. Only uses coffee beans and leaves a compressed coffee pucks in the waste basket.

Concept 2

The second concept uses the traditional coffee pod and seperates the final product allowing the waste products to be individually recycled. This was the chosen concept


Creating a series of concept sketches lead to a rough final concept direction

Mechanical design

The concept

This shows a cut view of the mechanical design of the machine. including guides and casing.

The mechanism

This shows a cut view of the mechanical design of the machine. including guides and casing.

Jonathan LIndefjeld
