Creating guidelines for free form injection moulding using resin printed cores

This project is meant to show my techincal and practical abilities as an industrial design engineer. This is a six month research project researching new techinques that combine injection moulding and addative manufacturing. The abstract can be found below, if you are intested in the full paper, that can be found here. The paper is currently pending review for publication.

"Creating great products is as much an art as it is a science, so you must understand the science. "


Free form injection moulding allows for highly complex geometry using the injection moulding process. This paper will discuss the use of resin printed water soluble cores and aims to develop a set of guidelines for this manufacturing process. The paper will discuss the production of the cores, their properties and design requirements. It will also discuss the production from a simulation viewpoint to determine a set of guidelines that can be applied to the entire process, from material selection to final part.